Martin Vetterli 와 Jelena Kovačević 공저한 책 "Wavelets and Subband Coding"
전체가 pdf 파일로 공개되어 있다는 사실을 발견.
책을 처음 쓴 1995년과 비교하여 시대가 바뀌었을 뿐더러 이 분야도 많이 발전해서 그런 결정을 했다고
저자 서문에서 겸손하게 밝히고 있지만,
아뭏든 이렇게 멋진 일을 해 준 것에 경의를 표한다.
링크는 여기에...
to the Second, 2007 Open-Access Edition
First published in 1995, Wavelets and Subband Coding filled a useful need in explaining a new view of signal processing based on flexible time-frequency analysis and its applications. The book has been well received, and used by researchers and engineers alike. In addition, it was also used as a textbook for graduate courses at many universities.
So what has changed drastically in the last 12 years? The field has matured, the teaching of these techniques is more widespread, and publication practices have evolved. Specifically, the World Wide Web, which was in its infancy a dozen years ago, is now a major communications medium. Thus, in agreement with our original publisher, Prentice-Hall, we now retain the copyright, and have decided to allow open access to the book online (protected under the by-nc-nd license from Creative Commons). In addition, the solutions manual, prepared by G. Chang, M. Goodwin, V. K Goyal and T. Kalker, is also available upon request for teachers using the book.
We thus hope the book continues to play a useful role while getting a wider distribution. Enjoy it!
Martin Vetterli Jelena Kovačević
GrandvauxNew York City
First published in 1995, Wavelets and Subband Coding filled a useful need in explaining a new view of signal processing based on flexible time-frequency analysis and its applications. The book has been well received, and used by researchers and engineers alike. In addition, it was also used as a textbook for graduate courses at many universities.
So what has changed drastically in the last 12 years? The field has matured, the teaching of these techniques is more widespread, and publication practices have evolved. Specifically, the World Wide Web, which was in its infancy a dozen years ago, is now a major communications medium. Thus, in agreement with our original publisher, Prentice-Hall, we now retain the copyright, and have decided to allow open access to the book online (protected under the by-nc-nd license from Creative Commons). In addition, the solutions manual, prepared by G. Chang, M. Goodwin, V. K Goyal and T. Kalker, is also available upon request for teachers using the book.
We thus hope the book continues to play a useful role while getting a wider distribution. Enjoy it!
Martin Vetterli Jelena Kovačević
웨이블릿은 워낙 여러 분야에서 발전되어 온 틀이라서
책마다 접근방식이나 강조하는 방향이나 응용분야의 차이가 많은 편이다.
따라서 자신의 목적에 따라 적합한 책을 잘 골라야 한다.
이책은 영상 압축, 동영상 압축 관련한 웨이블릿 공부에는 아주 좋은 책!
특히 수학적인 설명을 피하고 싶다면 더욱더 괜챦은 책.
(그래봐야 웨이블릿은 웨이블릿이니 수학을 피해 갈 수는 없지만. ^^)
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